Geek love book cover
Geek love book cover

As the Binewskis take their act across the backwaters of the U.S., inspiring fanatical devotion and murderous revulsion as its members conduct their own Machiavellian version of sibling rivalry, Geek Love throws its sulfurous light on our notions of the freakish and the normal, the beautiful and the ugly, the holy and the obscene. Her parents, Aloysius Al and Lillian Lil, Lily, or Crystal Lil Binewski, had sought to prop up their faltering. The novel is structured as a memoir written by Olympia Oly Binewski, an albino hunchback dwarf, as she chronicles the bizarre story of her family of carnival freaks. albino hunchback Oly, and the outwardly normal Chick, whose mysterious gifts make him the family’s most precious–and dangerous–asset. Geek Love is a 1989 novel by Katherine Dunn. Iphy and Elly, the lissome Siamese twins. There’s Arturo the Aquaboy, who has flippers for limbs and a megalomaniac ambition worthy of Genghis Khan. Geek Love is the story of the Binewskis, a carny family whose mater- and paterfamilias set out–with the help of amphetamine, arsenic, and radioisotopes–to breed their own exhibit of human oddities. You can read this before Geek Love PDF EPUB full Download at the bottom. Here is a quick description and cover image of book Geek Love written by Katherine Dunn which was published in 1989-3. Brief Summary of Book: Geek Love by Katherine Dunn

Geek love book cover