Muhteşem Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Muhteşem Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Muhteşem Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

You have prepared new, corrected texts of all these works for Library of America. Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby, All the Sad Young Men & Other Writings 1920–1926. LOA: Let’s talk about your own work on F. One example: seventeen of the thirty-four new editions omit the dedication to Zelda Sayre, Fitzgerald’s wife and muse. It’s as if these editions, the old ones and the new ones, have been cross-pollinating in the night. In these recent editions, errors and other variants that have not appeared in an edition of the book for decades have risen from the grave and made their way into the new texts. The problem seems to be that everyone wants to “improve” The Great Gatsby, to make a few revisions here and there, common-sense revisions that “Fitzgerald surely would have wanted.” This has been a problem throughout the long textual history of the novel-freelance emending. Three or four are responsibly done, but the others are simply efforts, often haphazard, to capture a small slice of the enormous market for the book. West III: I examined thirty-four new editions of the novel, all of them published after its copyright protection had expired. Can you tell say something about what you discovered? Our readers will be very interested to know that you undertook a study of all the new editions of Gatsby that appeared in print when the novel entered the public domain.

Muhteşem Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

I think you’ll agree that the expiration of copyright is generally a good thing for readers, as new editions become available and as scholars are free to quote at length from public domain works. (Hulton Archive/Getty Images) Library of America: The Great Gatsby entered the public domain in 2021. Scott Fitzgerald, circa 1925, the year The Great Gatsby was published.

Muhteşem Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald